Saturday, October 15, 2016

Crooked Al's "Trump-Hadley" Signs Backfire. Hadley Getting More Support

Al Thompson of Torrance also found all of these "Trump Hadley" signs, yet has concluded that they not only will not hurt David, but have hurt Al Muratsuchi and helped the Republican ticket.

Here are his thoughts on this desperate smear tactic from the Al Muratsuchi campaign:

Re: California State Assembly Candidates, 66th District…


It was reported that covert operatives/supporters for Al Muratsuchi -- a Liberal Democrat running for California State Assembly Candidate, 66th District -- placed these RED "TRUMP HADLEY" posters at various sites throughout the South Bay area of Los Angeles and elsewhere... in an attempt to connect Hadley with Trump. So-be-it!

Well, pilgrims, I think Muratsuchi just helped Hadley instead of hurt him --AND-- they promoted Donald Trump at the same time.

Most voters who support Hadley will also support Trump... in spite of Hillary's BOGUS smears via her liberal-bias mainstream media. **I was going to remove these alleged covert (BOGUS) posters, but think they HELP Hadley instead of hurt him in the long run.

If this is true I want to say "THANK YOU" to Muratsuchi and his gang of bumbling supporters.
Photo: Corner of 178th & Western, Gardena/Torrance. October 15, 2016

~ Al Thompson, Torrance, CA… Supporter for David Hadley

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your Mr. Hadley did not gain enough support to retain his Assembly seat. Despite a near-daily deluge of direct-mail attack ads and thousands of signs put up by paid "volunteers". Blue signs which conveniently failed to identify Hadley as a Republican (as if people wouldn't vote for him if they knew). And despite his putting his "occupation" on the ballot not as "Assembly member" but as "independent small businessman" to further distance himself from the shameful Republican party. By the way, when are you Hadley folks going to pay someone to bring back their ladders or climbing gear to take down those signs? They're a blight on South Bay neighborhoods. Isn't that a violation of election law to leave signs up on public land?

    one of over 60,000 bumbling losers
