Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Biased Anti-Jewish Journal

This week's edition of the Jewish Journal (10/10/2013) has another outrageous and offensive political cartoon from Steven Greenberg.

This Cartoon is Just Sad, Wrong, Distorted, and Shameful

This time, instead of silly caricatures of elephants, his cartoon depicts a suicide bomber, identifying with the Republican Party, with a Palestinian terrorist mask and dynamite tied all around him.

This "TEA-HADIST" will blow himself up, and apparently take in his wake the Republican Party, if the Democrats do not give into his "Hostage Taking" demands.

The whole federal governent runs on these checks and balances.

Does the cartoonist then suggest that any branch of government which refuses to negotiate should be deemed a terrorist, too?

Then Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid belong in the same group.

Yet at the same time, one can argue that the federal government is taking future generations hostage.

The seventeen trillion dollar debt eating away at our country's financial integrity is a crime in itself.

Thomas Jefferson rebuked any nation, any administration that would leave such substantial debt on future generations.

The youth in our country are waking up. They do not want to pay for their grandparents entitlements without receiving anything.

The Biased Anti-Jewish Journal has pushed the envelope too far.

Kudos to TruthRevolt.org for blasting the editor-in-chief for this offensive political cartoon. There is nothing wrong with political discourse. There is something wrong with outright falsehood and fabrication. The Jewish Journal political cartoonist has engaged in both, and now is no longer getting away with it!

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