Friday, May 18, 2012

Response to Paul Silva's "Merry Take" on Gay Marriage

I was not in a “gay” mood when I read the editor’s take on homosexual marriage.

Contrary to public opinion, President Obama has not evolved but rather devolved on the issue of “gay marriage”, forced into the position because of his overly glib and gaffe-prone vice president.

How many accounts must we revisit in history to realize that homosexual conduct is not conducive to the well-being of the individual, the family, or the nation? Polybius the ancient historian documented how the Greek city states endured steady declines in population, family, and law and order following the break-down of moral relations between one man and one woman. Psychological reports have determined that individuals who engage in the same-sex lifestyle diminish their lifespan by at least 20%, even when controlling for disease or other unnatural phenomena. Any doctor not in bondage to the PC lobby can attest that homosexual contact harms an individual.

Selfish identity politics pervasive in our country have turned a privileged institution into a right, which it was never meant to be. Marriages fail not because of the institution, but due to failures of one male and one female to die to themselves and become one flesh.

Marriage by definition, by tradition, by revelation is a union of one man and one woman. Even if every state in the Union defines two men as “married,” the definition of marriage does not change, no more than calling a dog’s tail a “leg” means that the dog now has five legs.

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