Monday, September 26, 2011

Ben Nelson: DINO facing certain extinction

Ben Nelson: DINO facing certain extinction

The citizens of Nebraska deserve a legislator who walks the way he talks.

Senator Ben Nelson is one more Washington Washout, a long-time pol who has slowly decayed into a fossilized panderer to the statist status quo of Big Government and Federal Spending Sprees.

He is a Democrat in a Red State. He does not share the interests of his constituents.

His crass selling out to the Democrats in order to support ObamaCare is one of many reasons why Nebraskans should retire this long-term legislator.

Mr. Nelson is a dying breed of politician: one who plays up his conservative allegiance to voters at home, then votes with the rest of the Left-wing Beltway in Washington, supporting more government, more spending, and less accountability.

A DINO ( Democrat In Name Only) to most of his colleagues, he fits the liberal mold his voting record, one which does not respect the needs of values of his Midwestern constituents. As a final turn, the Democratic caucus bought his support for ObamaCare with the crass "Cornhusker Kickback", a sickening move which rightfully enraged his constituents.

People of Nebraska, it's time for one more DINO to go extinct. Put this fizzled fossil of political intrigue and double-dealing to rest.

Vote Senator Ben Nelson out of Office November 8, 2012!

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